Registry Description
Register description in accordance with chapters 10 and 24 of the Personal Data Act (523/1999).
1. Register holder
Name: Lahti Events Oy Business ID 2662848-8: Postal address: Salpausselänkatu 8, 15110 LAHTI, Finland ( Name of register
Salpausselän kilpailuiden 2018 akkreditointirekisteri (Accreditation register for Lahti Ski Games 2018)3. Purpose of processing personal data
The personal data of users may be processed for the following purposes:- accreditation for event,
- communications of events,
- communications sent by event partners,
- realising a service,
- developing customer service and business in e.g. surveys,
- analysing and compiling statistics,
- opinion and market polls, and
- other corresponding purposes.
4. Data content of register
The register may contain the following information:- contact details, such as name, address, telephone numbers, email addresses,
- registration information such as username, screen name, password, and other possible identifying data,
- date of birth, sex
- other potential information collected with the customer's permission.
5. Primary sources of information
The information concerning the customer is primarily obtained:- from the customer when registering for events, by telephone, with a form, via email, or other similar method,
- with the help of cookies or similar technology